DiffFacto: Controllable Part-Based 3D Point Cloud Generation with Cross Diffusion


While the community of 3D point cloud generation has witnessed a big growth in recent years, there still lacks an effective way to enable intuitive user control in the generation process, hence limiting the general utility of such methods. Since an intuitive way of decomposing a shape is through its parts, we propose to tackle the task of controllable part-based point cloud generation. We introduce DiffFacto, a novel probabilistic generative model that learns the distribution of shapes with part-level control. We propose a factorization that models independent part style and part configuration distributions, and present a novel cross diffusion network that enables us to generate coherent and plausible shapes under our proposed factorization. Experiments show that our method is able to generate novel shapes with multiple axes of control. It generates plausible and coherent shape, while enabling various downstream editing applications such as shape interpolation, mixing and transformation editing.

International Conference on Computer Vision 2023
      title={DiffFacto: Controllable Part-Based 3D Point Cloud Generation with Cross Diffusion}, 
      author={Kiyohiro Nakayama and Mikaela Angelina Uy and Jiahui Huang and Shi-Min Hu and Ke Li and Leonidas Guibas},
      booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
Mikaela Angelina Uy
Mikaela Angelina Uy
Affiliated Member

My research lies in the intersection of 3D vision, graphics and geometry processing. Specifically, I focus on different representations of 3D objects and scenes for various downstream tasks in 3D content creation.

Ke Li
Ke Li
Professor of Computer Science

My research interests include Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Algorithms.